•    +1 386 438-8312      iantd@iantd.com     Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm (USA Easterm Time)


An IANTD Platinum Facility is an IANTD training facility available to IANTD Retailers and Resort Operations. The required prerequisites ensure that all Platinum Facilities offer state of the art IANTD programs from beginning through instructor levels of training and education. Applicants when conducting IANTD training programs will use the required IANTD official training materials for each program. Divers will also be assured of receiving Platinum Facility service from professional state of the art IANTD retail and resort operation applicants.

  1. Retail Store front.

  2. Have IANTD as the primary certification.

  3. Have an IANTD Instructor on staff or as a contractor.

  4. Offer gas fills (Air, EANx and/or Trimix & Oxygen).

  5. Offer equipment Sales.

  6. Offer rental equipment.

  7. Have an IANTD IT on staff or as a contractor.

  8. Discount on all orders (To be approved and determinate by the Local Licensee).

  9. May have the ability to print certification cards using the IANTD stock cards or they may elect to have HQ print their card via the online system. This may be accomplished either way via the online registration system.

  10. Logo on IANTD website.

  11. Website listing (by Facility Level & alphabetical).

  12. Facility Logo on the C-Card.


Understanding which IANTD Facility best suit your needs.

Pro Educator

An IANTD PRO Educator is an IANTD Professional Instructor/IT/ITT. The required prerequisites ensure that all PRO Educators offer state of the art IANTD programs from beginning through instructor levels of training and education.


An IANTD Silver Facility is an IANTD training facility available to IANTD Retailers and Resort Operations. The required prerequisites ensure that all Silver Facilities offer state of the art IANTD programs from beginning through instructor levels of training and education.


An IANTD Diamond Facility is an IANTD training facility available to IANTD Retailers and Resort Operations. The required prerequisites ensure that all Diamond Facilities offer state of the art IANTD programs from beginning through instructor levels of training and education.


International Association of Nitrox Divers, IAND, was formed in 1985 in response to the needs of the diving public. Up until that time, mixed gas diving and the use of decompression gasses was limited, in a formal way, to military and commercial divers.

Contact Us

119 NW Ethan Place Suite 103,
Lake City, FL, United States

+ 1 (386) 438 8312